Saturday, July 30, 2005


Every once in a while, you see something that makes you go WTF?
Here are today's entries.

From the paper this morning... A Stoddard County Missouri man is suing the Union Pacific Railroad for damages after falling asleep on the tracks. This genius was walking along, became sleepy and then fell asleep on the TRAIN TRACKS!! A UPR train then hit the man, injuring him so badly that he had to have his legs amputated at the knees. I think the guy is lucky to be alive and should probably give the conductor money that he didn't get killed. Of course, I have never been that sleepy to fall asleep on TRAIN TRACKS!!!

Also according to the paper: State troopers were searching for a driver that hit a 2 year old boy on I70 near Kingdom City and then didn't stop. One question...what the hell was a 2 year old boy DOING on I70 anyway? He apparently lived a mile away and "wandered" on to the highway. How long does it take a todler to wander a mile? 45 minutes? an hour? What were the parents doing? Meth? The driver probably had no idea it hit a boy. On that section of I70, the driver probably thought they hit some kind of animal.



Anonymous said...

Actually the second story is a sad one.

In the parents defense, I had heard that they had called 911 and were frantically searching for the boy before it was reported that he was hit.

Still, I was able to raise three children without having a toddler woddle off.

Anonymous said...

I never had kids of my own, but I did help raise my girlfriend's kids when they were this young.

They can move pretty damn fast. I was lucky enough to be looking out the front window while washing dishes and spotting her 9 month old crawling straight for the street - his sister had left the front door open and it only took him 60 seconds to get that far. Never moved so fast in my life!
(Where was Mom? In the bathroom, less than 2 minutes.)

I'm not going to condemn the parents until I hear the whole story.

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