Saturday, May 12, 2007

Perspective 2

When I lived on the farm, listening to far off stations from Little Rock, Nashville and Chicago, I really fell in love with a song called "Games" by Redeye. Great harmonies, nice words and a killer guitar solo in there. So, I went out and bought the 45 and immediately wore out the grooves (I did the same thing with "Absolutey Right" by the 5 Man Electrical Band). When I moved to the Quad Cities about nine months later, I was shopping at Target and found the album that "Games" was on. Took it home and it possibly was the album I played most in 1971. It was like an old friend and me, a teenage loser in a new town needed all the friends I could get. While listening to our am station in Davenport (KSTT), the dj came on and said there was a new song by Redeye called "Redeye Blues". And while much different than "Games", it was great because that meant new music from the guys. Their second album was called "One Man's Poison Is Another Man's Medicine" but I could never find it anywhere. After enrolling in radio school part time in early 1973, the station had a copy of the album that was a promotional giveaway. I quickly took it home and taped it. I kept that tape for a number of years until I found another copy of the album at a garage sale or something like that. These guys had a very laid back country feel to them and their music was very positive , almost happy (.."you know time will mend that hole in your shoe, but until then, your toe will stick through..."). About ten years ago, I met a guy who could put LPs on CD (a very novel thing back then) and the first two albums I took to him were these two. After listening to the CD again the other day after a few years, let's just say that my musical perspectives were a bit different then than now. While still listenable, the music now sounds really dated and almost silly. "Games" is still a kick ass song and it always will be. Hey, if I am only known for only one thing, make it something good like that song. I wonder whatever happened to the guys in the band, I never heard from any of them again.

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